Exploring colors/mixtures

My daughter is obsessed with color/mixing/solutions etc. lately.  I gave her a "chemist area" outside that she can explore.   Glue, liquid starch, sand, salt, vinegar, alcohol, oil, dish soap, corn starch, and liquid watercolors

Here are some of her latest concoctions...

Something simple and easy with stuff you already have hand around the house.  The old baking soda and vinegar trick.  

Baking soda, liquid watercolors, vinegar.

These next few I found on Steve Spangler's Science Page.  http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/  

Lava Lamps 

For our complete post on Lava Lamps click on this link...

Since my daughter enjoyed the lava lamps so much we created our own version... 

Lava lamp in a box

For our blog post on Lava Lamps in a box click on the link below...

Milk, food coloring, dish soap experiment  http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/experiment/00000066

Milk, food coloring, dish soap
We tried a few different versions to answer some of my daughter's questions...

"Let's see what would happen (her new favorite line) if we use water"  It still worked but I noticed the higher the fat content the better the result.  Whole milk worked best.  

I suggested that we sprinkle some glitter to see if the soap would move the glitter as well.  It did.  

This last one we also found on Steve's page...we modified it a bit.  http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/experiment/00000032

Sharpie tie dye... I pinned down a onesie on foam board, my daughter colored it and then used a spray bottle to spray on alcohol.  

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